Getting Started

Initial Chat

I offer a free 10-20 minutes chat by phone or online. This gives you the chance to ask any questions, me to find out why you are looking for counselling and both of us to see if we can work together.

Schedule First Session

There is no pressure to decide if you want to go ahead or not – it needs to feel right for us both. I may not have a slot available immediately but can let you know on our call.

First Session

We will hold our first session either in person or online. This is an opportunity to explore what brings you to counselling in a little more depth and for me to explain more about how we might work.

Schedule Further Sessions

After our first session, you can decide if you want to go ahead or not. I typically do an initial block of six sessions (including the first one) so we would commit to five more. These can be online, in person, or a mixture.

Not Ready?

Feel free to get in touch with any queries.

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